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2010년 10월 3일 일요일

'Café Terrace, Place du Forum, Arles' by Vincent Van Gogh

Source : http://arts.search.naver.com/service.naver?where=arts_detail&query=%EA%B3%A0%ED%9D%90%20%ED%8F%AC%EB%A3%B8%20%EA%B4%91%EC%9E%A5%EC%9D%98%20%EC%B9%B4%ED%8E%98%ED%85%8C%EB%9D%BC%EC%8A%A4&os=484839
  I'll tell you about my favorite artwork today. Do you know this painting? Many of you know, this is famous artist Gogh's painting. He is my favorite artist. And the painting above is 'Café Terrace, Place du Forum, Arles' by Vincent Van Gogh. I saw that painting for the first time when I was 12 years old. My mom gave me a book about Gogh, and this painting was in that book. Although I was a young girl, this painting was very impresive and beautiful. This painting always made me happy. Do you feel the attraction makes happy?

2010년 10월 1일 금요일

Please stop bad comments.

Source : http://blog.naver.com/wlsgml621?Redirect=Log&logNo=109195299&topReferer=http://cafeblog.search.naver.com&imgsr

 These days, as internet is developing, netizen has been increasing continually. It's good. Because the more netizen makes better internet environment. But at the same time, unwelcome netizen appeared too. They are almost always negative about public issues. So sometimes, public people are hurted by their naked criticism. Even worse, some public people decide suicide, and some of them already killed themselves because of words the bad guys in internet. The important thing is they can't remember how they were cruel and even sometimes they can't know what they did that. I'm so angry about this. I hope that they must stop doing like that.