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2010년 10월 3일 일요일

'Café Terrace, Place du Forum, Arles' by Vincent Van Gogh

Source : http://arts.search.naver.com/service.naver?where=arts_detail&query=%EA%B3%A0%ED%9D%90%20%ED%8F%AC%EB%A3%B8%20%EA%B4%91%EC%9E%A5%EC%9D%98%20%EC%B9%B4%ED%8E%98%ED%85%8C%EB%9D%BC%EC%8A%A4&os=484839
  I'll tell you about my favorite artwork today. Do you know this painting? Many of you know, this is famous artist Gogh's painting. He is my favorite artist. And the painting above is 'Café Terrace, Place du Forum, Arles' by Vincent Van Gogh. I saw that painting for the first time when I was 12 years old. My mom gave me a book about Gogh, and this painting was in that book. Although I was a young girl, this painting was very impresive and beautiful. This painting always made me happy. Do you feel the attraction makes happy?

2010년 10월 1일 금요일

Please stop bad comments.

Source : http://blog.naver.com/wlsgml621?Redirect=Log&logNo=109195299&topReferer=http://cafeblog.search.naver.com&imgsr

 These days, as internet is developing, netizen has been increasing continually. It's good. Because the more netizen makes better internet environment. But at the same time, unwelcome netizen appeared too. They are almost always negative about public issues. So sometimes, public people are hurted by their naked criticism. Even worse, some public people decide suicide, and some of them already killed themselves because of words the bad guys in internet. The important thing is they can't remember how they were cruel and even sometimes they can't know what they did that. I'm so angry about this. I hope that they must stop doing like that.

2010년 9월 30일 목요일

The secret of US 1 dallar

Source : http://777gud.blog.me/110093995214
 Do you know that there are some hidden story in 1 dallar of United States of America? I found that secerts when I was surfing internet. The pictures and words in a dallar have certain meanings each other. USA's spirit of the national foundation is Christianity, but there are many non-christian symbols in the paper. First, on back of the paper, there is a star on right side of the paper which is hexagon shape over a eagle's head. That calls 'Solomon's Seal' or 'Star of David', means of gathering sacred power of universe. That is a symbol of ancient Judaism, so it looks non-christianity. Isn't it strange? According to the text in internet, 1 dallar was designed by Benjamin Franklin and adopted by Franklin Roosebelt. They were member of a secret association called 'Freemason'. They were a group leaded foundation of USA and very mysterious group.
 I was so amazing. In the world, there are many things I didn't know and imagine. I think that still I have to learn many things.

2010년 9월 29일 수요일

Too tired...

 Today I feel very very tired. Because of huge assignments! In this week, I received 7 assignments and yesterday night, I finished 2 of it. I have a disease that I can't drag my works. When I have a work or a assignment, I can do nothing but my work. I think I'm strange, and my boyfriend Thinks too. I want to fix up this bad character. It makes me so tired and even my nearby people. I think I need a rest but there is no time to rest and recover myself. College life is not as comfortble as I expected. Eventhough mid- term exam is approaching, I feel I am not ready to adapt my second semester. If I pass through this crisis of assigment as well, it will be better. Today I have no power to take over all of that. So I'll have a break time and recharge a little of myself today, next day I'll keep the steam up!

2010년 9월 28일 화요일

Temperature suddenly dropped

Source : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=008&aid=0002401635
 These days, weather is weird. Yesterday's highest temperatue was 16 degrees and lowest was 12 degrees. 2 days before, highest was 19 degrees and lowest was 16 degrees. And now, Seoul is 13 degrees. What's happening? Besides, wind gets stronger. So resently I felt that the weather changed speedly. Yesterday, I was wearing a shirt and jeans, and low heels wears in summer. I had classes from 11 A.M to 9 P.M and I felt I was freezing, specially my arms and feet were painful. I think that isn't cold like this at the time of last year. News says that there will be no fall in Korea in future. I'm afraid the news will be ture. For the news would not happen as real, we need to have attention about enviroment and climate. Air pollution and reckness logging rise global warming and change oceanic current. And these are cause of disaster like typhoon, heavy rain, El Nino and etc. We have to attention from our nearby life to enviroment changing and destruction.

2010년 9월 27일 월요일

Victory of our youth women's national soccer team

Source : http://blog.naver.com/bluebird5519?Redirect=Log&logNo=120115654870&top
 Last sunday, we had good news. Our soccer girls defeated Japanese team and Won U-17 women's world cup! I saw the game, and it was just like a movie.
 6 minutes after when the game started, Korean made a first goal. I was very excited. But Japanese team made their first goal after 5 minutes we scored, by shoot at the middle distance. They pursued us roughly and overtook us as a goal. Shooting ability of Japanese girl's team was great. But our team showed organizational power to all of us, and regained a goal before end of first half. In second half, Japanese team made a goal first, and we made tie by fantastic volley shoot of Sodam Kim. The game continued to extra game, and all of girls on the ground had difficult to run and keep the ball. They looked so pathetic. Their condition falled to bottom, but they continued the game by their mental power. I wished the game would be ended as quick as possible for the girls. Finally the penalty shootout started, and at the turn of sixth, Japanese kicker missed her chance. And our last kicker, Seulgi Jang goaled and put a period of this game. At that moment, I was very, very happy.
 It is first time that Korea won in the championship of FIFA. It will be history, and this true will improve Korean team's ability. And from now, women's soccer will get interest from people. Next time, I hope that Our national soccer team can get good results in 2014 Brazil World cup.

2010년 9월 26일 일요일

Because of typhoon!!

Today, my friend and I planed we have a 'meat party'. So we went to the supermarket for purchase ingredient of 'Meat party': pork belly, vegetables and so on. But when we looked at the price of vegetable, we shocked. Due to typhoon, the price of vegetables was so many raise. It was unbelievable. Especially, the lettuce and the spinach is most serious. The lettuce is 3000won/100g and the pork belly is 1600won/100g. My friend said,'Oh my god! Today, we have to eat lettuce wraped in meat!'. I laughed. But It was really serious. Finally, we decieded to bought the sesame leaf instead of the lettuce. Because of typhoon, our 'meat party' was poor.