이 블로그 검색

2010년 9월 22일 수요일

The movie 'Haeundae'


 Yesterday, I watching a movie in my uncle's house. The movie title is 'Haeundae'. It's summary is as follows: Haeundae in Busan, a big tsunami coming. It's a catastrophic disaster in Korea. There are 3 couples in the movie. The first couple is a seismologist man and a director woman. They have a daughter but divorced years ago, and man found that there will come tsunami to Busan. Man try to prepare and evacuate his former wife and daughter, but finally they are faced into tsunami. Second couple is a man and a woman of native of Busan. He has protected her for a long time and they had met as a older brother and younger sister. But in fact, they have loved each other as secret. The morning when the tsunami comes Busan, he proposed to her. and they encounter with danger of tsunami. Third couple is a rescuer man and a woman. They met by incident and falled in love. And they met tsunami. In the last of movie, Many people are died and sacrificed. Almost buildings are broken and the city was flooded. and three couples are survived or died dramatically. After tsunami was gone, the hope of surviver and the sadness from dead man crossed.
 That scenes in the film were so terribly real. Everyone in my family fascinated this movie. After I watched it, suddenly I felt fear from the possibility that the movie could be real. If tsunami comes to Busan or anywhere of our country, many people will be dead. It is enough to just film. That situation never have to be in anywhere. The movie 'Haeundae' is a good movie for us to have fun and lesson about preparation from big disaster.

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